Compliant products, guaranteed traceability.

Our quality commitment

Our product quality and safety policy is based on numerous commitments.

At the heart of our priorities is our guarantee to high-quality natural health products, with perfect safety during in use, according to the recommended instructions for use and in compliance with regulations.


Quality and Safety
Management System
for foodstuffs

The implementation of our quality and product safety policy is integrated into all of our activities and places continuous improvement at the heart of our organisation, in order to guarantee compliant and safe products in compliance with applicable regulations and good practice standards.

It is based, in particular, on a product quality and safety management system, ensuring the implementation of measures and controls at each stage, in accordance with good manufacturing practices:

  • Regulatory oversight;
  • Hygiene measures, staff training;
  • Quality controls on raw materials and finished products;
  • Monitoring corrective and improvement actions;
  • Post-marketing follow-up.

The effectiveness of our quality system is continuously checked and improved and is subject to controls, twice a year, by an independent certification body.


Guaranteed traceability

Responsible for the marketing authorisation of the products we design, we guarantee optimal traceability—from design to use—of products. We affix a batch number on all of our packaging and have a computerised document management system that allows us to trace in detail all the stages of the product’s life cycle.


Products compliant with French and European regulations

Our quality and product safety approach involves taking into account the French and European regulations in force at each stage of the product manufacturing process, from their design (formulation, presentation, labelling) to release on the market. (traceability).

All of our products are produced mainly in France, under quality assurance, and are subject to rigorous controls.

By placing your trust in Laboratories Ineldea, you are choosing cutting-edge technical and scientific expertise.

Certifications & Commitments

ISO 22000 standard

We have always given pride of place to the quality and safety of the products we design for you. Also, in order to support our commitment to this process, to make it known and recognised by experts in the sector, we committed in 2016 to an ISO 22 000 certification process, one of the highest levels of certification in terms of product safety.

The requirements of the ISO 22000 standard relate, on the one hand, to the deployment of a quality and safety management system and, on the other hand, to the formalisation of an HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) study, including the objective of defining a methodology for controlling food safety.

Synadiet member

As a member of Synadiet (National Syndicate of Food Supplements), we actively participate in setting up concrete actions for the responsible development of our sector of activity, in particular on matters relating to quality, consumer information and safety.

Our mission is also the promotion of food supplements and their recognition as an integral part of a well-being and health policy.

Member of the French Sports Nutrition Union

We are also an SFNS member (French Syndicate of Sports Nutrition), whose mission is to promote sports nutrition, with the objective of protecting health, performance research, and preventing addictive behaviour.

Anti-Doping: Now European Standard NF EN17444

We pay particular attention to the quality of our formulations and their active ingredients.

We were one of the 1st brands, in 2012, through our STC NUTRITION® range, to comply with the French anti-doping standard AFNOR V94-001.

This standard, at the initiative of France (Ministry of Sports and Manufacturers through Synadiet) has very recently been adopted and harmonised to become European standard NF 17 444, which is necessary to guarantee the perfect quality and safety of foodstuffs and food supplements for athletes. All our nutrition products comply with the European Anti-Doping standard NF EN 17444.