Acting for sustainable health.

Feeling good in body and mind for as long as possible, cultivating the vitality and freshness of youth, protecting yourself as much as possible from everyday ailments, preserving your health in a sustainable environment……

That’s what we all aspire to, and that’s what Laboratoires INELDÉA offer.

For Laboratoires INELDÉA, Sustainable Health is a conscious choice driven by a vision, a constant conviction that we defend since 20 years.

And if Sustainable Health makes sense today, it is because it is a global approach to health which favors prevention and better coordination of health professions to allow everyone, in a healthy environment to live better, longer.

Today, more than ever, Sustainable Health is a necessity, a future to defend by combining our strengths and our knowledge.

The foundations of Laboratoires INELDÉA to help you to live better, longer

  • A complete range of natural health products : over 400 precursor and complementary products to protect, prevent and support the health of everyone.
  • Unique standards : whether it’s about the choice of active ingredients, their bioavailability, their synergistic effects or galenics, our formulas are all designed to be fully effective in compliance with strict standards.
  • We provide personalised support for patients : teaching them on a daily basis how to adopt the correct use of natural health products. Our aim is to make everyone more expert.
  • A responsible commitment to mankind and the environment : we are aware that protecting the planet means protecting access to the resources we need to preserve our health.

Preserve health capital today and tomorrow

A major health victory of the 21st century, infectious diseases are less devastating today, thanks to the technical and scientific prowess achieved by curative medicine

Mais demain… ?

A 2.0 health approach

The next few years will see the emergence of a new approach to medicine: preventive and participatory medicine.

The health system will gradually adopt a new model: evolving from a global curative logic, towards a preventive and personalised logic, taking into account the needs and individualities of each person.

Our modern lifestyles and consumption have exposed us to new risk factors, the main ones being: obesity, smoking, pollution, stress, etc.

The age of the “ignorant patient”, who passively consults his doctor, is drawing to a close. A new era of the “patient actor” is emerging in which the patient is informed, and wishes to better understand, aspiring to participate in taking decisions and engaging in them.

Laboratoires Ineldéa :
a positive impact on your health

We contribute every day, in everything we do, to ensure that your precious health is maintained throughout your life, from an early age.

It has become essential to take care of yourself, to be an actor in your health and well-being, to be in great shape, staying young and longer, etc.

C’est là tout l’intérêt des produits de santé naturelle que nous développons

Their objectives are to enhance the individual capabilities, as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Natural health products
for everyone

Laboratoires Ineldéa’s natural health products are aimed at all those who wish act for Sustainable Health by promoting a preventive and physiological approach to preserving, supporting and strengthening their health capital. Women, men, children, athletes, each individual at every stage of their life must provide their body with specific nutrients according to their needs.

Each of our ranges has been designed to meet this objective.

Laboratories Ineldéa: Offering everyone, the expected answers and the natural health products that suit you

With 10 brands: Pediakid®, Olioseptil®, Ineldéa Santé Naturelle®, STC Nutrition®, Vitamin’22®, Nutriexpert®, Effiderm®, Efficolor®, Medicafarm® as well as Naturfit® and a portfolio of more than 400 references, we offer an answer that is nutritionally adapted to the specific needs of each individual.

To meet the major concerns regarding well-being and health, we carefully select for each of our products with the most scientifically documented natural active ingredients, as well as the most innovative dosage forms to guarantee maximum assimilation and practicality.

Our technical and scientific expertise is now widely recognised with the trust of healthcare professionals and the trust you place in us.

Les Laboratoires Ineldéa

National Union of Food Supplements

We actively participate in putting in place concrete actions for responsible development in our business sector, particularly on matters relating to quality, information and consumer safety. Our mission is also the promotion of food supplements and their recognition as an integral part of a well-being and health policy.

French Union of Sports Nutrition

We are also an SFNS Member, whose mission is to promote sports nutrition, with the aim of protecting health, seeking performance, and preventing addictive behaviour.

ISO 22 000 standard

Dans une démarche qualité permanente les laboratoires Ineldéa sont certifiés ISO 22 000, le plus haut niveau de certification, en termes de sécurité produits.

Anti-Doping: Now European Standard NF EN17444

We pay special attention to the quality of our formulations and their active ingredients.

We were one of the 1st brands, in 2012, through our STC NUTRITION® range, to comply with the French anti-doping standard AFNOR V94-001.

This standard, at the initiative of France (Ministry of Sports and Manufacturers through Synadiet), has very recently been adopted and harmonised to become European standard NF 17 444, guaranteeing the perfect quality and safety of foodstuffs and food supplements for athletes. All our nutrition products comply with the European Anti-Doping standard NF EN 17444.

A policy of well-being and health

Our mission is also the promotion of food supplements and their recognition as an integral part of a well-being and health policy.

Product Quality & Safety

All our natural health products are manufactured in accordance with regulations and according to a quality and product safety management system.